Cossatot River
# 2177  

$ 350.00

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89mm x 38mm

9,500-8,000 B.P.

Creamy River Stained Polished Peoria Chert

Haskell County Okahoma
A Large Size, Visibly Use Sharpened And Anciently Used, Well Made Cossatot River Point That Exhibits Surface Sheen And Stone Aging Coloration Patination, Aging In The Side And Basal Notching, Slight Consistent Overall Aged River Polish, Correct Aged Blade Sharpening Use Reduction, Correct Early Style Of Blade Flaking, Correct Aged Basal Stem Edge Rolled Hafting Dulling, Aged Surface Soil And Mineral Deposits, Correct Material And Manufacture For The Area Found. This Type Is Often Found In The Canadian River Below The Eufaula Dam And Affiliated With The Later Calf Creek In The Same Area. Includes Cypress Valley ( Carlos Black ) As A Thebes And A Ken Partain As A Cossatot River River Certificates Of Authenticity.