# 1805  

$ 495.00

Email Ken Email Ken


89mm x 24mm

9,500 B.P.

Boone Chert

McIntosh County Oklahoma - Below Eufaula Dam
A Long, Narrow, Colorful, Nicely Beveled And Typically Made Meserve Point That Exhibits Surface Sheen Aging And Stone Aged Coloration Patination, Correct Aged Rolled Basal Stem Edge Hafting Dulling, Overall Aged Surface River Polish, Aged Blade Sharpening Use Reduction, Correct Material And Manufacture For The Area Found. Found In A Small Area Of McIntosh, County Oklahoma On The Canadian River Below The Lake Eufaula Dam. Ex-John Richardson ( # 801 ) And Lonnie Hartline Collections. The Opposite Steeply Blade Beveling Extending To A Short Base Determines The Point Type. Includes Gregory Perino 2/18/2002 And Ken Partain Certificates Of Authenticity.